New Patient Forms

New Patients Forms  About Your Coverage  By Kathleen Frederickson I am the Insurance Coordinator for Dr. David C. Kolbaba and Associates. We want to assist you in understanding your health care benefits and the services we provide through our clinic. Scroll down the page to view and download our “New and Current Patient” Forms. Insurance…

What’s New

What’s New Zinc Taste Test Foods with Zinc Zinc is essential to good health. Dozens of zinc dependent enzymes participate in a myriad of health defining metabolic functions. Zinc is also necessary for healthy mental function and mood, protein syntheses, nucleic acid and DNA metabolism, hormone production, prostate function, energy, response to stress, and taste…

Our Sponsors

Our Sponsors Helping people live happier, healthier lives by realizing their genetic potential. Metagenics was founded in 1983 on a brave new scientific concept: how the right nutrition could help people realize their best health possible by influencing what makes them unique—their genes  Now healthcare organizations worldwide recommend “lifestyle medicine” to improve health with basic…

It’s Almost Impossible to Get COVID-19 on an Airplane, New Military Study Suggests

A new military-led study unveiled Thursday shows there is a low risk for passengers traveling aboard large commercial aircraft to contract an airborne virus such as COVID-19 — and it doesn’t matter where they sit on the airplane.

While the more time spent on an aircraft correlates to a potential infection rate, according to the study, even passengers on long-haul flights wouldn’t be able to pick up a sufficient viral load under the test conditions.

Passengers traveling on board the 777 would need to spend at least “54 hours when sitting next to an index patient in the economy section,” and more than 100 hours in the other cabins of both the 777 and the 767 to be exposed to an infectious dose, the study said.