What’s New
You can purchase your copy of Dr. Kolbaba’s New Book by calling our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855!
Now available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads and Target!
You can purchase your copy of Dr. Kolbaba’s New Book by calling our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855!
Now available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads and Target!
Zinc Taste Test
Foods with Zinc
Zinc is essential to good health. Dozens of zinc dependent enzymes participate in a myriad of health defining metabolic functions. Zinc is also necessary for healthy mental function and mood, protein syntheses, nucleic acid and DNA metabolism, hormone production, prostate function, energy, response to stress, and taste acuity.
How do you know if you’re Zinc-Deficient?
The initial symptoms of marginal zinc deficiency are dysfunctions of taste and smell. Studies have found that taste sensitivity may be a good indicator of the functional availability of zinc in the body and have led to the development of this Zinc Taste Test.
This Zinc Taste Test can be taken in the convenience of your home or in our HealthQuest Clinic. A small amount of zinc sulfate solution is taken and swirled around the mouth for ten seconds, then swallowed or spit out. From four key responses, you will be asked to describe your taste reaction. Appropriate zinc supplementation is administered upon the recommendation of our doctors. It’s that simple!
Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 for more information or to schedule an appointment for your Zinc Taste Test.
Winter Survival Kit 2024
It’s a perfect strategy for every infectious “bug” as well as those “Not-Living-Can’t Kill” viruses.
It contains “Targeted-Nutritional-Components” that can get the job done…before, during, and after any infectious exposure!
Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 to order.
Winter Survival Kit information and handouts.
Listen to our HealthQuest Radio podcasts: “One Strategy for Every Infection” and “Gearing Up for Something Great” for an-depth look at the these crucial supplements to keep you healthy, this cold and flu season.
Thank You, Thank You to Those Who Attended Our 40th Celebration!
Fun, Food and Laughter!
Fingernails – A Self-Diagnosis
Radio show notes by Dr. David C. Kolbaba
How to Diagnose Your Health Thru Your Nails
Human Fingernails:
Fingernails are made of the same tissue found in the skin and hair… It’s a protein called keratin.
Some of what we see in fingernails can actually precede typical manifestations of an underlying developing disease.
The speed of growth might indicate the current health status of the individual.
Fingernail growth rate: Takes 3 to 6 months to regrow completely.
Toenails: grow at 1/4 the speed as fingernails… 12 to 18 months to regrow completely.
Interesting facts:
Rate of growth: Is dependent on healthiness of the individual… Age/weather/diet… Physical condition of the individual.
Fingernail diagnosis:
Horizontal ridges = Major health challenge… Singular Deeper ridge, signifies the time on the calendar… That it happened. (bottom, near the cuticle, means more recent) … (Six months to fully grow out).
Beau’s lines . . . High fevers/uncontrolled diabetes/zinc deficiency. (Ask about our Zinc Tally test). (Chronic malnourishment).
Vertical ridges = Arthritis. Adrenal challenges = Anemia.
Lunulas … Half-moons… = Thyroid.
Spooning versus Cupping =
Convex spooning… Respiratory challenge, probably long-standing… (Seen with heavier smokers).
Concave spooning… Iron deficiency Anemia… Thyroid. Hemochromatosis, a.k.a. too much iron absorbed from food.
Systemic lupus erythematosus… Inflammatory autoimmune disease.
White scuff marks on the nails: = Medications/chronic infection/some systemic diseases.
Frosted over: Poor Nutrition/congestive heart failure/liver disease/anemia.
Yellow nails… Fungus/lung disease/diabetes/psoriasis/severe thyroid.
Bluish nails: = Lung deficits/heart condition/ Wilson’s disease… A.k.a. copper accumulation… (Might appear with severe kidney disease).
Cracking fingernails: = Thyroid/with yellow… Fungal infection.
Longitudinal Ink-stain: … Possibly critically important… Skin cancer… Malignant melanoma… One of the worst/aggressive cancers… Some-Say-In-Science… The most treatable, if detected early.
Pitting: Psoriasis… Connective tissue disorder like Reiter’s syndrome, and alopecia areata and autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.
Finger clubbing/with the nail following the curvature… Could be a sign of an inflammatory bowel disease/cardiovascular disease/certain lung diseases… Also observed in AIDS patients.
Forensic science looks at nails too:
White lines running across the nails: = “Mees’ Lines”
Arsenic poisoning.
Calorie Restriction, Immune Response and Aging
By WorldNewsHerald – February 15, 2022
Calorie restriction improves metabolic and immune responses that help determine both how long a person lives and how many years of good health they enjoy, a new study shows.
“Two years of modest calorie restriction reprogrammed the pathways in fat cells that help regulate the way mitochondria generate energy, the body’s anti-inflammatory responses, and potentially longevity,” said Eric Ravussin, Ph.D., Associate Executive Director for Clinical Science at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. “In other words, calorie restriction rewires many of the metabolic and immune responses that boost lifespan and health span.”
The new study used data gathered by Pennington Biomedical’s CALERIE 2 (Comprehensive Assessment of the Long-Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy), the longest-running calorie restriction trial in humans. The new study is published in the journal Science.
The study found that people who cut their calorie intake by about 14 percent over two years generated more T cells, which play a key role in immune function and slow the aging process.
“As people age, their thymuses shrink and produce fewer T cells. As a result, older people have a harder time fighting off infections and certain cancers,” said Eric Ravussin, Ph.D., Associate Executive Director for Clinical Science at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. “Calorie restriction helps prevent the thymus from shrinking so the person generates more T cells.”
In addition to improving immunity, an increase in T cells is associated with an improved ability to burn stores of fatty acids for energy, Dr. Ravussin said. That’s important because if a person doesn’t burn this fuel, the fat may build up in organs such as the muscle and liver, leading to insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and aging.
The study had another important finding: a potential treatment to reduce age-related inflammation and improve metabolic health.
Studies have shown that restricting calories by 40 percent in rodents extended their lives. But there were tradeoffs in growth, reproduction, and immunity.
However, calorie restriction also reduces the levels of gene encoding platelet activating factor acetyl hydrolase (PLA2G7). Reducing PLA2G7 produces health benefits that include lowering age-related inflammation and improving metabolic health.
“If researchers can find a way to harness PLA2G7, they could create a treatment to extend a person’s health span, the time an individual experiences good health,” said Pennington Biomedical Executive Director John Kirwan, Ph.D.
Reference: “Caloric restriction has a new player” by Timothy W. Rhoads and Rozalyn M. Anderson, 10 February 2022, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn6576
This research was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health under awards AG031797, AG045712, P01AG051459, and AR070811 to V.D.D.); the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research (V.D.D.); Cure Alzheimer’s Fund (V.D.D.); and the Aging Biology Foundation (M.N.A.). The CALERIE study was funded by the National Institute on Aging under awards U01AG022132, U01AG020478, U01AG020487, and U01AG020480. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
From Submarines to Birch Trees
By Dr. David C. Kolbaba
It’s World War II, German submarines are prowling the North Atlantic Sea, attacking ally supply ships.
Scandinavian countries in the Northland are now left starving, for lack of food.
Every ship that was sunk by the German U-boats, left countries like Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark more vulnerable with each passing day.
Those living in the country of Finland sought to find replacements for the terrible shortage of their most basic life-sustaining staples.
In their urgent search, they were led to the large birch forests that carpeted the landscape.
They discovered a remarkable sugar found in the bark of the birch trees.
Not only did this newly-discovered sweetener, known as Xylitol, suffice as a sugar replacement, many other remarkable medicinal attributes were discovered with Xylitol over the years to follow.
These attributes, these later discoveries of this natural sugar, Xylitol, has now become a “present-day” therapeutic compound.
It can help lower the risks of three of today’s most common deadly diseases, not to mention the therapeutic-connection between Xylitol / infectious diseases and infections . . . per se.
And, when I think of all the “useless” information coming at us through our “Life’s-Windshields” every day, this is one item… this one critically-important therapeutic compound, Xylitol, needs to be included in your (what I call) “Lifelong” … “Live-long” Daily supplementation routine!
We’re going to learn today, how utilizing something so safe, so natural, so effective as Xylitol and how it can become a “main-stay” helping to prevent and protect all of us as a true “post-war” ally, for sure!
Rosemary and Memory
Smelling the fragrance of Rosemary has been linked to memory improvement…
Some 75% increase for some.
It turns out that there are compounds in rosemary oil that may be responsible for improvements in memory performance.
One of them is called 1,8-cin-e-ole – and it may act in the same way as the drugs licensed to treat dementia, causing an increase in a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine…..causing better cellular communication….linking thoughts, between cells for retrieval….ie memory retention…etc.
Home experiment in the making?
HealthQuest Radio Special: “Immune Pack” – for immune support. Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 1-800-794-1855 for more information or to order our immune-building supplements.
Read the latest health news on the coronavirus “New York Hospitals Treating Coronavirus Patients with Vitamin C” and “How to Use Vitamin C During Illness.”
See our handouts on Flu Fighting Foods and Sunny C-1000. Keep your immune system strong all year long with Dr. K’s Vitamin D3 Dosage Chart. You’ll be ready for cold and flu season with appropriate dosages for every month of the year. Check out our Vitamin C Handout for a comprehensive look at the best Vitamin C you can buy, our Sunny C 1000. Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 to order our D3 vitamin and Sunny C 1000 supplements.