HealthQuest Radio, Saturday, September 14th. “Confusing Simplicity . . . Part II, Hormone Interplay.” When hormones are expressed, in the moment of stress or strain, it is normal to adapt and get through the episode. But, if the perceived stresses keep re-creating this “hormonal hyper-vigilance,” it damages every cell in our body, prematurely aging at the same time. Enter stage right: “Chronic Debilitating Diseases” of our present day. So, let’s stop tampering with hormones and normalize them instead.
HealthQuest Radio Special: Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 to get your “Hormone Kits“. We offer the “Male and Female Hormone Panels,” as well as our “Adrenal Stress Index” Kits.
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For 40 years and counting, HealthQuest Radio has been Chicago’s longest running health news and science show, unique in the presentation of natural therapies, nutrition and functional integrated health care – a show with a message punctuated with enthusiasm and humor.
Not a Coincidence/It’s Probably a Consequence. Learn about chronological age vs. biologic age, life expectancy vs. healthy life expectancy and more! Where do you stand with your health? Check your “real age” by taking a short quiz. Progressive testing . . . your first steps toward making your life an “adventure in health!”
Get your “Age Analysis Assessment.” Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 to schedule your appointment.
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