HealthQuest Radio, Saturday, March 22nd. “Dangerous Free Radicals . . . How to Disarm Them.” Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage human cells. Oxidative stress happens when there are too many of these free radicals and not enough antioxidants to keep them under control. This, unfortunately, makes for higher susceptibility to sickness and disease, along with premature aging . . . aka, the average American today.
HealthQuest Radio Special: Our “Quik Stress Test”. Call our HealthQuest Radio Hotline at 800-794-1855 for pricing and to schedule your appointment.
Dr. Kolbaba’s New Book: “The Caveman Way to Get Healthy-ER” is now available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads and Target! or call 800-794-1855 to order.

Tune in every Saturday at 11am – 12pm on AM560 The Answer.
Make your life an “Adventure in Health” not in sickness and disease!
Join Dr. David Kolbaba, Board Certified Natural Healthcare Practitioner and Clinical Nutritionist as he explores varied health-related topics aimed at inspiring, educating, and motivating his listeners.
Call in: HealthQuest Radio Hotline: 1-800-794-1855

HealthQuest is ”Destination Radio” with your host, Dr. David C. Kolbaba airing every Saturday at 11:00 am on AM560 The Answer.
For 41 years and counting, HealthQuest Radio has been Chicago’s longest running health news and science show, unique in the presentation of natural therapies, nutrition and functional integrated health care – a show with a message punctuated with enthusiasm and humor.
FTC lawsuit, Glutathione, GLP-1 Therapy. During the pandemic, our government shuttered the marketplace of ideas—and the American people, our economy, and our sense of community suffered. Ongoing efforts of the FTC to censor science and blatantly violating the law and Constitution would have been greatly curtailed, had it not been for the efforts of this Natural Health Freedom-Fighter. Xlear, Inc. CEO, Nathan Jones, joins the show to share his thoughts on the dismissal of the FTC lawsuit against his company. And more….

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